Meet Betty Nakintu, particpant of "Training for leaders and supervisors in women's and children's health" (7,5 credits)

Betty Nakintu, registered midwife in Uganda, particpated in training supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for key persons in maternal and child health care and nutrition in Sub-Saharan African countries. How has the training helped Betty Nakintu in her profession as registered midwife? How will the training impact her organization and community?

Betty Nakintu. Photo: Private

Betty Nakintu, registered midwife, Uganda

How has this training helped you in your profession?

It has built my confidence in taking the lead and mobilizing other disciplines in order to improve the health of mothers and their children.

How do you think this training will impact or help your organization and community?

I will make use of the knowledge and skills gained to train other health team members. I will also use the knowledge to bring all stakeholders on board to have a common understanding of interdisciplinary ways of promoting safe motherhood. I believe this will help reduce the maternal and infant mortality and morbidity in my community.

What first steps are you planning to take to implement your new knowledge? 

I will be conducting orientation workshops/meetings on MIDWISE* in health facilities, starting with Nakintu Maternity & Medical centre.

I will liaise with the administrative and political offices at community, district, regional and national levels and market this programme. I will also map out and partner with the non-government organizations, private health institutions to bring them on board as far as MIDWISE* is concerned.

*MIDWISE is a network of care in which the midwife is the hub of the maternal health care system providing care during the whole reproductive life cycle of the woman.

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