Partner universities 2025/2026

The students enrolled in the bachelor programme in biomedicine at Karolinska Institutet can choose to carry out the data collection for their degree project course in semester 6 as officially nominated at one of our partner universities. Below you can read more about our partner universities.

A group of students together holding up a miniature globe.
Photo: Getty Images

Please note that the information about the partner universities is continuously being updated and may contain errors as partner universities sometimes change their policies/requirements.

At the Bachelor’s Programme in Biomedicine you can participate in exchange studies at universities in the Nordic countries, Europe, Asia, Oceania, and North America.

You have the option to go on exchange in two different semesters. In semester 3 you can go on an exchange to Leiden University Medical Centre, where you take courses. In semester 6 you have the opportunity to go abroad to collect data for your degree project.

The exchange reports are a great source of information where previous exchange students write about their experiences abroad.

If you want to learn more about the respective universities and what they can offer exchange students, read about the universities here.

See the current list of partner universities and available places in the list below. 

Please note: If there are limitations to a faculty or department students can apply to, the information is stated next to the name of the university (in parenteses):  


The University of Newcastle, Callaghan (School of Biomedical Sciences and Pharmacy)

Possible to do both project 30 ECTS or project+course 22.5 ECTS. For a list of projects and courses, please click here:

University of Sydney (Faculty of Science)

A minimum of average grade "B" is a requirement. Course work and project. 

Read about studying and living in Australia, watch stories from other students, and learn about Australian education on the official Australian Government website for international students.


Universidade de São Paulo (Institute of Biomedical Sciences)

Information for incoming exchange students to Universidade de São Paulo


University of Toronto 

You can look for supervisors from the following Faculty: Faculty of Science, Mississauga

For students going on exchange to the University of Toronto Mississauga to do research, the process has changed a few times over the last years, but currently you should reach out early to their international coordinator Andrew Sedmihradisky and he can put you in touch with staff in the Experiential Education Unit (EEU) – who will assist you in finding a project/supervisor. Please do so as early as possible so you will have an idea of whether research in your area of interest is possible. The EEU  can walk you through the process and help you find a project in their Research Opportunity Program (ROP)

All research areas are potentially possible, but they vary from year to year depending on which professors have submitted projects or not.  

One or more elective courses have to be additionally selected when going on exchange to Toronto for a research project. This is mandatory to obtain a full-student visa in Canada. 

Students studying at the University of Toronto need to take a minimum of 1.5 U of T credits per semester. Assuming your research project is worth 1.0 credits, you’d need to take at least 1 (and up to 3) more 0.5 credit course. Students can view the courses available in an academic year using the UTM Timetable linked below – if you need a detailed syllabus for a particular course you can reach out to Andrew and he can download it for you. The chosen courses don't have to be related to your study programme here at KI.

UTM Timetable

Please visit the following page with information for international students

Find out about studying in Canada on the EduCanada web site.


University of Copenhagen 

You can look for supervisors from the following faculty: Faculty of Science

Information for exchange students at University of Copenhagen

  • Broad range of courses on offer – the Faculty of Science offers approximately 600 English-taught courses a year most of which are available to exchange students.
  • Most English-taught courses are master’s level courses – but senior (3rd and 4th year) bachelor students are allowed to register for master level courses provided they meet the academic requirements. They are also allowed to follow courses at the Faculty of Medical Health Science.
  • Exchange students can choose from the full range of courses offered by all the departments at the faculty – provided they meet the requirements. Please see the course catalogue.
  • Students can do individual study/research projects of 7,5, 15, 22,5, 30, 45 and 60 ECTS.


Syddansk Universitet

Read about what life would be like studying in Denmark at Study in Denmark.


Sorbonne Université
Projects only. Previous research experience is a requirement.

Université de Strasbourg
Only project work. French language skills not a requirement.

Eurolife partner

Practical information and facts about studying in France is available on Campus France.


Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg (Faculty of Biosciences)

Information for incoming exchange students

Please note that in Germany term dates are different than KI dates.

Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen

Projects only. For help in finding projects, please contact: Elena Lebherz 

Study in Germany provides information, student stories, and tips about student life in Germany.


Trinity College Dublin (School of Medicine)

Information for inbound exchange students 

Eurolife partner

Find out about studying in Ireland on the web site Education in Ireland.


Università Degli Studi di Milano 

You can look for supervisors from the following Faculty: Faculty of Pharmacy


Nanyang Technological University
Project or project and course work. If you do a project you have to find a supervisor before applying for exchange at Nanyang University of Technology (NTU).


National University of Singapore
Project or project and course work. If you do a project you have to find a supervisor before applying for exchange at National University of Singapore (NUS).

You can look for supervisors from the following departments at NUS:

The supervisor must be a NUS faculty member.

Information about projects from the International Office at NUS can be found here: NUS_lsm_modules


Universitat de Barcelona  (Faculty of Medicine)
Project only. Application link. You apply with: application form, 2 x photos, learning agreement, transcript of records and proof of English language skills. 

Contact person for application and projects: Dr Marta Camps 

Eurolife partner


ETH - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich (Departments of Health Sciences and Technology (HEST) and Pharmaceutical Sciences (PHARMA)) 

Information for incoming exchange students

Switzerland is no longer participating in the Erasmus+ Programme, but student exchange is continued within the Swiss-European Mobility Programme (SEMP).

  • Students can find supervisors/projects in Pharmaceutical Sciences or Health Sciences and Technology. 
  • Students should contact ETH for further instructions if they are applying for projects that are not within Pharmaceutical Sciences (only Pharmaceutical Sciences will appear in the application system).
  • Students should look for a suitable project on the website of the Department or Institute the student is interested in joining, and contact respective professors or senior scientists directly.
  • Some projects offered at ETH Zurich are also published by SiROP (
  • Please be aware that if you are entitled to receive a study loan from CSN this will not be awarded in conjunction with the Swiss stipend SEMP. 
  • If you do a project you have to find a supervisor before applying for exchange at ETH.

The Netherlands

Universiteit Leiden (LUMC)
Project or project and course work. Please note: may be difficult to find projects within Neuroscience.

Eurolife partner

On YouTube you can find out more about Universiteit Leiden:

Semester 3 and 4: courses

Semester 6: degree project

Study in Holland provides ample information about studying in Holland and practical matters relating to the study experience.

United Kingdom 

It is still possible to receive an Erasmus+ stipend when going as officially nominated student to one of our partners.

Information for incoming exchange students can be found here

Åsa Landes