For students attending the course Chemical Biology (8 hp) course code 1BI039
The Chemical Biology course is about the chemistry of biology as well as how chemistry can be used to study and modulate biology. The course content is oriented towards chemical biology aspects of pre-clinical drug discovery as well as towards study of biological systems.
Welcome information
About the course
The course starts April 29, 2025 at 10.00 in lecture hall Rockefeller.
The course web on Canvas will be regularly updated. Please also check the Announcements there on a regular basis for urgent notices!
Registration is mandatory in order to keep your place and participate in the course. You register yourself in Ladok. The registration period is from 2025-04-22 - 2025-05-01. More information about web registration.
Things to do before the course start
Review your chemistry knowledge, if necessary; it will help you a lot. Furthermore, it is good to recall protein esp. enzyme structure and function as encountered in earlier courses.
Course survey and analysis
The course is evaluated according to the guidelines set by the Board of Education (now Committee of Education).
Contact information
Bernhard Lohkamp
Course DirectorAnurupa Nagchowdhury
Course AdministratorLinks for Bachelor's Programme in Biomedicine

Log in to Canvas
Once you are admitted to the programme you may log in to Canvas for more information.

For students on the Bachelor's Programme in Biomedicine
On the programme web you can find everything you need to know as a student on the Bachelor's Programme in Biomedicine.

Student at KI
Here you can find all the information you need for your studies.