For students attending the Bachelor's Programme in Biomedicine Regulations and guidelines and current information

Here you find current information and requirements to be eligible to continue to a higher semester, resits, transfer of credits, Code of conduct and student rights. You also find a link to the KI Administrative forms.

Entry requirements to be eligible to a higher semester

The qualifying provisions aim to ensure that students meet the requirements in terms of knowledge and other criteria in order to be able to complete the education.The requirements are to make sure that you as a student have the knowledge and skills required to be able to continue the studies with a passing grade.

The conditions that apply in order for you to commence a course or a certain term within a study programme are detailed in the syllabus for the course in question. The requirements for the Bachelor’s Programme in Biomedicine are listed below for an overview. The provisions on exemption from qualifying conditions can be found in the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100) chapter 7, § 3. Applications should be sent to the study counselor no later than 15 December for the Spring semester and 15 June for the autumn semester.

Entry requirements to courses in a higher semester for students admitted to the programme 2017 or later (Syllabus 1BI17)

Entry requirements for courses at semester 2,
At least grade pass (G) at the courses Introduction to Biomedical Science, and at least grade pass (G) at the part Organic-chemical laboratory work (5 credits) at the course General and organic chemistry, and the part Laboratory practicals (4 credits) of the course Cell-, stem cell and developmental biology, at the Bachelor's programme in Biomedicine.

Entry requirements for courses at semester 3,
At least grade pass (G) at the courses Introduction to biomedical science; General and organic chemistry; Cell-, stem cell and developmental biology and Genetics, genomics and functional genomics, and at least grade pass (G) at part 1 Biochemistry (5 credits) of the course Biochemistry (12 credits), at the Bachelor's programme in Biomedicine.

Entry requirements for courses at semester 4,
At least grade pass (G) at the courses Introduction to biomedical science; General and organic chemistry; Cell-, stem cell and developmental biology; Biochemistry; Genetics, genomics and functional genomics; Chemical biology; Tissue biology, and at least grade pass (G) at the parts Laboratory work and seminars (4 credits) and Project work (2 credits) of the course in Immunology and microbiology; and the part Practical features (4 credits) of the course Neuroscience, at the Bachelor's programme in Biomedicine.

Entry requirements for courses at semester 5,
At least grade pass (G) for the courses: Introduction to Biomedical Science; General and Organic Chemistry; Cell, Stem Cell and Developmental Biology; Biochemistry; Genetics, Genomics and Functional Genomics; Chemical Biology; Biostatistics; Tissue Biology; Immunology and Microbiology; Neuroscience; and Pathology. At least grade pass (G) for the parts “Integration of practical features” (4 credits) and “Project work” (2 credits) within the course Physiology, and at least grade pass (G) for the parts “Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics” (2 credits), “Laboratory work in pharmacology” (1.5 credits) and “Group assignments in pharmacology and toxicology” (2.5 credits) within the course Pharmacology and Toxicology, in the Bachelor's Programme in Biomedicine.

Entry requirements for courses at semester 6,
At least grade pass (G) for the courses in semester 1-4: Introduction to Biomedical Science; General and Organic Chemistry; Cell, Stem Cell and Developmental Biology; Biochemistry; Genetics, Genomics and Functional Genomics; Chemical Biology; Biostatistics; Tissue Biology; Immunology and Microbiology; Neuroscience; Physiology; Pathology; Pharmacology and toxicology and The Life Science Industry.

Furthermore, in semester 5, least the grade pass (G) in the part Laboratory practicals (5 hp) in the course Molecular Medicine - Oncology of the Bachelor's Programme in Biomedicine.

Rules and regulations for examinations and grading at KI

Information for students regarding written examination rules 2019.pdf

Application for exemption

The application for exemption is to make the process transparent and predictable and as equal as possible for all students. Each application is assessed individually based on the requirements for eligibility for the courses.

In order to take courses within the programme there are requirements of knowledge that the Programme committee for the biomedical study programmes assesses as essential in order to be able to manage the courses in the next semester, the requirements for eligibility. Throughout the education there should be progression, ie you should develop skills and knowledge within a subject, you should not only add basic knowledge.

The application for exemption is to make the process transparent and predictable and as equal as possible for all students and is sent to: KI PN-biomedicinprogrammen <>
The decision is taken by the Programme Director and communicated to you by the Study counsellor.

Dead line Spring semester 15 December

Dead line Autumn semester 15 June

Transfer of Credits

In order to transfer credits to Karolinska Institutet Bachelor’s in Biomedicine you need to be admitted to the programme. 

In order to make the transfer of credits we need an application from you. Along with the application you need to submit: course syllabus and transcript of records with grades and credits.

Complete information on transfer of credits is available under exchange studies on this website: Transfer of credits

If the application concerns one course, the application should be sent to the course administration for that course in order for the course leader to make the decision.

If the application concerns several courses in the programme, or exchange studies, send the application to the Programme Officer:

Code of Conduct

The objective of Karolinska Institutet (KI) is to offer you as a student a good environment for learning from which you will gain good knowledge and experience for your future working life. The KI Code of Conduct serves as a common basis for how we work, study and learn at Karolinsak Institutet.
All students should read the Code of Conduct. If you have questions with regards to the content, please address them to:
KI PN-biomedicinprogrammen

Student rights

At the below link you can read about what rights and obligations you have as a student. You can find information about cheating, examination regulations, student influence and more.The basic regulations for higher education are set out in the Higher Education Act (SFS 1992:1434) and the Higher Education Ordinance (SFS 1993:100) which also include subsequent amendments. Student rights

PARASOLL - psychosocial health in students at KI

PARASOLL is a project directed at all students at KI to promote psychosocial health. The project has been initiated by the committee for higher education and is a collaboration between several departments.

The PARASOLL Canvas page

Administrative forms

You find forms for different administrative purposes you may need during your studies
at this link: Administrative forms

Register for courses in the  Ladok-system

Prior to each new course, you will yourself register in Ladok for the course you are taking. Unless otherwise stated in the course information for that specific course, the registration is open from one week before the course starts to two days after it has started.                                                                                       

Login to the student interface with your student account on this website:

Check your contact information in Ladok Login to Ladok and make sure that your contact information in Ladok is correct. This is important to make sure that you receive all the study information you need.

If you have changed your personal identification number, the Personnummer, you should notify the Ladok support in order for them to change the number:

Resit/re-exam in June and August

In June and August each year, in the weeks after and prior to the academic year, courses from semester 1-4 offer re-examinations. The schedule is found at the bottom of this page.

Please remember to sign up for the resits, through the course administration,
and if you change your mind and plan not to attend, notify the course administration.

Do not hesitate to contact the Study counsellor for help to plan your studies.



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