For students attending the course General and Organic Chemistry (12 hp) course code 1BI036

The course focuses on Organic Chemistry but contains, besides theory, practical aspects on synthetic work including how products are purified and analyzed. The same basic principles determine the mechanisms in all reactions, whether they take place in the test tube or in the body. The course also includes some general chemistry, as basis for properties of molecules and spectroscopic methods as well as biomolecules. A foundation for Biochemistry and Chemical Biology as well as other courses.


Information about the course

Welcome information

The course starts on September 26, 2024 at 10:00 in lecture hall Rockefeller (Solna).

The course web on Canvas will be regularly updated. Please also check the Announcements there on a regular basis for urgent notices!


Registration is mandatory in order to keep your place and participate in the course. You register yourself in Ladok. The registration period is from 2024-09-19 - 2024-09-28. More information about web registration.


The latest schedule can be found in TimeEdit.

A preliminary fixed schedule is available here.

The course will be held on Solna Campus.

Things to do before the course start

If you are not too familiar with Chemistry (any more and math too) it is a good idea to brush up your knowledge. Even though the course (and IBS) starts basic we move fast. You can e.g. test and refresh your knowledge here:

There will be a discount code available on Canvas to buy the text book directly from Cengage (please check Canvas for details).

Further information will became available on Canvas.

Course survey and analysis

The course is evaluated according to the guidelines set by the Board of Education (now Committee of Education).

Contact information

KI department responsible for the course: Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics

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Bernhard Lohkamp

Course Director
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Anurupa Nagchowdhury

Course Administrator
Content reviewer: