For students attending the Master's Programme in Biostatistics and Data Science Programme organisation

Information about the structure and organisation of the programme

Programme organisation

The master’s programme in biostatistics and data science is offered jointly by Karolinska Institutet, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and Stockholm University. Each of the partner universities are responsible for several courses within the programme, and these courses are overseen by the relevant organs at the respective universities. That is, each university is responsible for their own courses and follow their own decision-making process and guidelines. A programme group, containing representatives from all three universities and relevant student unions, has been appointed to coordinate and collaborate on issues concerning the programme. In addition, each university has appointed a programme director who has been delegated overall operative responsibility for the programme, including responsibility for quality and coordination of courses programme within the programme. Further details are given below.

Programme group

The programme group contains six faculty representatives. Each university appoints two representatives. At KI, representatives are appointed by the Programme Committee for the Study Programmes in Biomedicine. The responsible student union at each university has the right to appoint 1 member to the programme group. The programme group is assigned the task of coordinating and collaborating on issues concerning the programme. The programme group does not have a mandate to make decisions; the programme group prepares documents that are formally decided upon by the decision-making organs at the respective universities. Following is the list of members of the programme group:

Paul Dickman (chair),
Therese Andersson,
Tom Britton,
Ola Hössjer,
Hedvig Kjellström,
Jimmy Olsson,

As at February 2024, no student representatives have been appointed.

Programme directors

Each university has appointed a programme director, with delegated overall operative responsibility for the programme, including responsibility for quality and coordination of courses programme within the programme. The current programme directors are:

Karolinska Institutet: Paul Dickman,
KTH Royal Institute of Technology: Jimmy Olsson,
Stockholm University: Tom Britton,

KI responsible organs

An overview of the organisation of higher education at KI can be found (here)[]. Most of the decisions concerning the organisation of the programme are made by the (Programme committee for Study Programmes in Biomedicine)[]. The programme director is a member of the Programme committee, as are 3 student representatives. The programme committee assigns responsibility for courses to KI departments, and the departments are responsible for decisions concerning courses (e.g., assigning teachers and examiners, deciding on grades for the course, deciding on applications for credit transfer). 

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