For students attending the course Diet and health – scientific evidence, recommendations and sustainability (10 credits) course code 4NT021

This course will give you an introduction to global health problems in relation to nutrition as well as to relevant global documents and organisations, including the UN's sustainable development goals. Further, the interaction between the areas of environment, nutrition and health is addressed from an individual to a global perspective. You will also receive training in writing a scientific text, communicating and discussing scientific information and reflecting on your own learning process.


Previous course code: 4NT000

Introduction to the course

The course deals with how different types of studies contribute to the scientific evidence and development of nutrition science, as well as methods for how this evidence is evaluated. The principles behind nutritional recommendations and food-based dietary guidelines are discussed and how these two differ from each other. The course also deals with environmental aspects of different food groups and methods for how environmental impact can be investigated. 

The course consists of seminars, lectures, exercises and discussions and a group work. The examination consists of an oral presentation and a written take-home exam.

Course Evaluation


Magdalena Rosell

Course leader
Profile image

Sara Bruce

Educational administrator

More material and links to resources

The course literature consists of scientific articles and reports that will be provided electronically when the course starts. Through the link below you can reach a collection of useful links and resources that relates to some of the areas that will be discussed in the course (and some of them will also be part of the course literature).

Diet and health – scientific evidence, recommendations and sustainability 




Canvas is the e-learning platform we are using at KI. Here you will find course material, assignments and a possibility to communicate with students and teachers. One to two weeks before the course starts you will as a student get an invitation by e-mail to the address you used at After accepting the invitation you should be able to access the course.

Content reviewer:
Sara Bruce