For students attending the course Public health sciences- concepts and theories (7.5 ECT credits) course code 4FH081

This course provides an overview of the development of public health as a scientific field and introduce some of the main concepts and theories used in the multidisciplinary field of public health.


Welcome to the course "Public Health Sciences - Concepts and Theories", 2024

The course starts September 2, 2024.

A very varm welcome to the first course on the master program in Public Health Sciences. We are looking forward to meet you all on September 2, 2024 at 09.00. Lecture hall will be announced. 



Registration to keep your place and attend the course is compulsory. You register yourself in Ladok. The registration period is two weeks before the course starts and three days into the course. More information about web registration 


The morning introduction will be followed by a roll-call and registration. Please note that attendance at the registration is mandatory and if you are not present you can lose your place in the course and the programme, so please contact us beforehand if you have any difficulties attending the first day.


During the first day you will receive detailed information about the course and being a student at Karolinska Institutet.


The course literature will be a mix of different course books and scientific articles. The course books are available as e-books from the KI library. The main reference books are Unequal Lives: Health and Socioeconomic Inequalities” by Hillary Graham and  “Public Health Issues, 2nd Edition” by Fiona Sim & Martin McKee.


For further information about this course, please contact:
Course leader and examiner


Schedule - changes may occur

Course evaluation and course analysis 

Course analysis and course evaluation will be published one mouth after the end of the course. 

Course Evaluation Fall 2024


Course Reflection

Contact information

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Janne Agerholm

Course director and examiner
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Anette Nilsson

Education administration
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Megan Doheny

Course coordinator

GPH Study Counsellor

Content reviewer:
Lena Björk