For students attending the Master’s Programme in Public Health Sciences Study information and regulations

On this page you will find information and links to what you may need during your studies at the Master´s Programme in Public Health Sciences.

Examination and re-examination

Schedule over all the written exams and re-exams will be given ongoing during the academic year.

Please note that the day of the exam does not necessarily mean the last day of the course.

Please do not forget to contact the administration if you want to take a re-exam. Please email your name, civic registration number (personnummer) and the full course name to no later than 2 weeks (10 working days) before the re-exam.

Entry requirements for higher semesters

The eligibility requirements are described in the course syllabuses. In cases where the requirements are linked to promotion to higher semester, the eligibility requirements are also written in the course syllabuses. The course syllabuses are to be found on each course web. You can also search for course syllabuses at KI Course Syllabus Archives

Student Rights

On these pages you can read about what rights and obligations you have as a student. You can for example find information on admissions, credit transfer, examination, exam writing, interruption of studies and study breaks.

Student Rights

Cheating and Plagiarism

Below you can find information about rules and regulations regarding Cheating and plagiarism. We recommend that you read the information to make sure that you will adhere to the rules in your written work and course examination.

It is obligatory for you to read and agree to the KI-specific information provided below in 'KI rules' ! The rest of the information is optional for you to read.


Cheating is forbidden 

KI rules and disciplinary matters (obligatory reading)

Sources and references:

Using sources

Writing references

General guidelines on how to write and cite:

Reference guide for Vancouver

Student ombudsperson

The student ombudsperson is an independent office, employed by the student unions, to whom you may turn with matters relating to you as a student, such as if you feel unfairly treated by someone at KI or have problems in your dealings with other students or members of staff.

Student ombudsperson

Student Wellbeing Centre

The student health services aims to promote physical and psychological well-being among students in various ways and to establish a good study and social environment. The services are offered free of charge.

Student Wellbeing Centre

Study Counsellor

Carla Sturm is the study counsellor for the students in the Master’s Program in Public Health Sciences.

The study counsellor may help you with:

  • Guidance about the education and your studies
  • Give advice about study techniques
  • Questions concerning leaves of absence, welfare issues etc.

You are most welcome to call, e-mail or make an appointment for a visit
phone: 0702056915

Visiting address: Widerströmska huset, Tomtebodavägen 18 a, Solna, floor 3 (the door is closed, ring the doorbell or phone Carla)

Studying with disabilities

Karolinska Institutet can provide students with disabilities with special support during your studies. Students with disabilities at KI should be guaranteed the same high level of education and the same good quality study environment as other students. 

Studying with disabilities at KI

Content reviewer:
Lena Björk