Examination in examination halls

Information for those who are to be examined in an examination room about compulsory registration, rules in the writing room, preparation for digital examination and what applies if someone cheats. It is important that you read the information from your course about what applies to your examination in canvas or on the course web.

Registration for the examination

Registration for the examination is compulsory and must be made no later than 10 days before the examination day. The course informs on canvas and course web about registration for examination.

You must be registered or re-registered on the current course. If you only have the examination left on the course, you do not always need to be re-registered. Read what applies to your course in canvas and on the course web.

  • A link to the registration can be found in ladok when it has opened for registration.
  • If you have missed the registration period, you should contact the course.
  • If haven’t registered for the examination and come directly to the examination room, you will only be admitted to the examination if there are conditions for arranging e.g. placement and access to Inspera.

Examination room

Karolinska Institutet has several examination rooms.

  • Which examination room you should be in is stated in the information from the course.
  • You should arrive at the examination room well in advance. The doors close when the examination period starts and
  • If you arrive when the doors have closed, you will have to wait until the late admission 30 minutes later.
  • Do not disturb other students.
  • You should know the rules for examination in a writing room and follow the instructions of the invigilators.

Place in the hall

  • If you have your schedule in TimeEdit, you will receive a link in the schedule the day before with information about your placement in the examination room.
  • You will also be able to get your placement upon entry into the examination room.

Digital examination

Extra important in digital examination

Check your KI login – try logging in. If you do not know your KI login and password, it can be an obstacle to do the digital examination.

Read more about preparation for a digital examination.

Rules for examination in the examination room

It is your responsibility as a student to take part in, understand and follow the following rules:


  • Students shall sit in designated seats. Free seating is not allowed.

Permitted equipment at a student’s seat

  • Only pens, erasers, pencil sharpeners, food and drink, and any specifically permitted aids, books, or other equipment as specified by the examiner may be brought along to a student’s seat.
  • Pencil boxes, glasses cases, wrappers for consumption must not be present at the writing location.
  • Outerwear and bags shall be left in the designated spot.
  • Mobiles phones and other prohibited electronic equipment shall be turned off and left in the designated spot.
  • Wrist watches and other clocks shall be left in the designated spot.
  • Students may not borrow equipment and aids from other students during the examination.
  • Only papers handed out by the invigilator may be used.


To avoid disruptions and ensure that everyone gets the right information, the following rules apply:

  • Students who are late have to wait outside the examination room and are let in once 30 minutes of the examination time has passed. Before being let in, students shall have received instructions outside the examination room.
  • Students that are more than 30 minutes late are not admitted to the examination room.
  • A student may not leave the room in the first 30 minutes of the examination.


  • Students may not discuss or communicate with each other after the examination has started. 

Bathroom visits

  • When going to the bathroom, students write their name and seat code on a “bathroom visit list” and also specify the time when they enter and leave the bathroom, as instructed by the invigilator.
  • Talking is not allowed during bathroom visits 

Identity check

  • Students shall prove their identity with a valid ID document.
  • Students shall keep their ID visible by their seat.
  • The invigilator cross-references the ID with the seating list and seat code during the examination. 
  • For examinations where answers are given on paper, the invigilator also checks the student’s ID as they hand in their answers.
  • If a student is unable to present valid ID, the invigilator shall collect a signature and note down the name and seat code. The student shall, before a grading decision is made, provide valid ID, or otherwise prove their identity, to the person appointed by the examiner.


  • When a student is done writing or when the examination time expires, the examination answers shall be submitted and an invigilator shall check the student’s identity, except in digital examinations where the check is performed only during the examination.
  • This applies even if the students has not written anything, as a blank examination still counts as taking an examination session.
  • Loose notepaper is be left by the seat and may not be brought back out from the examination room.

Suspicion of attempted cheating

All suspicions of cheating are reported to the principal.

  • If a student is suspected of cheating, they may still complete the examination.
  • The invigilator reports the suspected cheating to the examiner or a person appointed by the examiner. 
  • The student’s examination answers are placed in a sealed envelope and in digital examinations the answers are flagged up in the system.
  • The examination answers are not evaluated until a decision has been made in the disciplinary matter.

Disruptive behavior

  • If a student is clearly disruptive or prevents the examination from being carried out, or refuses to follow instructions, the invigilator shall ask them to leave the room.
  • Disruptive behaviour is reported in the same way as suspected cheating.