Studying as a parent

On this page, you will find information aimed at students at KI who have children.

Study break and parental leave

If you plan to take parental leave during your studies, you need to apply for a study break well in advance.

Interruption of studies

Risk assessment for pregnant or breastfeeding students 

If you are a student who is pregnant or breastfeeding, an individual risk assessment of your work environment within your education needs to be conducted. This assessment should also cover the work environment during any on-site training (VFU) within your study programme. Therefore, you need to inform the course administration or examinator if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or planning to breastfeed.

Possible adaptations of studies and examinations 

It may be possible to adapt your education and examinations, such as how on-site training (VFU) or written exams are conducted, due to pending childbirth or that you have children. To find out if your education can be adapted, first contact your programme’s study counsellor well in advance. For adaptations related to examinations, reach out to the examinator for the relevant course(s) to assess whether adjustments can be granted. Contact details for study counsellors and examinators are available on the respective pages of the course and programme websites.

Children on KI premises

Children do not have the right to attend teaching sessions. Only teaching staff and students registered for the specific course have the right to participate. However, the course coordinator or responsible teacher may allow attendance for someone who is not eligible.

Who has the right to participate in teaching at KI

KI’s campuses have meditation and prayer rooms that can also be used by nursing parents as breastfeeding rooms.

Meditation and prayer rooms

Financial support for student parents

If you are a parent and go on a study exchange abroad through Erasmus+, you may receive extra financial support if you bring your child(ren) with you. Contact your international coordinator for more information.

International coordinators

When you study and are a parent, you can apply for additional grants that complement your student grant. If you cannot study due to caring for a sick child, you can still retain your student grant.

Student grants for studies in Sweden on CSN’s website

Parents who live in and have children in Sweden receive child allowance. It may also be possible to receive a housing allowance for families with children.

Information about allowances concerning children on Försäkringskassan’s website
