Language café

Join the Language Café at KI to get to know other students and improve your language skills in a fun and friendly setting.

Two students are sitting by a table with take-away coffee cups. Green bushes are seen in the background.
Students chatting over coffee. Photo: Liza Simonsson

At the language café, you have the opportunity to practice Swedish, French, Spanish, Mandarin or Japanese with other KI students. Focus is on the conversation and developing your language skills in a friendly environment. KI's language café is led by language coordinators who speak the language in focus. The coordinators are not teachers, they are regular students who volunteer their time. They are there to support with topics for conversations and ensure that the everyone gets to speak. The task of the participants is to contribute to the conversation and respect each other so all participants can speak and be heard. The language café works both to acquire new language skills and to maintain existing language skills.

How does the Language Café work?

All registered KI students are welcome to participate. As the language café focuses on the conversation, it is good if you have knowledge of the language in question so that you can participate in the conversation. Don't forget to register that you are coming to the event. Register via the button below.

You will be in a group of five participants and a coordinator. The coordinator will initiate the call and keep the conversation going. You choose how much you want to be involved in the conversation and participate at your own level. If you want to listen more than speak, that's fine, just mention it to the coordinator so they know.

When and where?

The Language Café is every Thursday (sometimes Tuesday) at 17:00 - 18:00. Every other week we focus on Swedish and every other on French, Spanish and Mandarin, see dates below. The café will be by the tables in the BZ-house on campus Solna, Berzeliusväg 3, 5, 7.


  • 6/3
  • 20/3
  • 3/4
  • 15/4
  • 29/4
  • 13/5
  • 27/5

French, Spanish, Mandarin, Japanese:

  • 27/2
  • 13/3
  • 27/3
  • 10/4
  • 24/4
  • 8/5
  • 22/5

Please register via the link below so we know how many we will be. You can also show up unannounced and participate if there is availability.

Do you want to be a language coordinator?

There are always at least two language coordinators per session. The coordinators are responsible on site during the language café. As a coordinator, you must have a very good knowledge of the language spoken at the time. As a language coordinator you will:

  • Be on site about 15 minutes before the start time to set up the room and welcome the participants. 
  • Welcome everyone and divide into groups (five participants + one student coordinator per group).
  • Drive the conversation in your discussion group and make sure everyone can participate at their level. 

You will choose one or more languages for which you are the student coordinator. You are expected to be able to be a language coordinator for a full semester and attend at least 80% of the sessions for your language. Before the start of the role, all coordinators meet for training and introduction. After the last session, we have a joint thank you event for all coordinators.

  • A certificate that can be used as a "qualification/merit" when applying for exchange studie. 
  • Get to know other students and become part of a team of student coordinators
  • Participate in extra events (introduction training and thank you-event).
  • A good merit on your CV.

Please apply through the following link.



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Giulia Grillo Mikrut

Language Cafè at KI Team Member
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