For students attending the Master's Programme in Nutrition Science (120 ECTS) Degree Project in Nutrition Science
These Degree Project courses in Nutrition Science aim to deepen your knowledge and experience in scientific work in the field of nutrition. These skills are important and useful in all activities dealing with diet and health. They may also be useful for other types of activities involving scientific work as well as for the ability to manage and carry out projects. It could also be a step towards further studies at the doctoral level in nutrition related areas.
The courses consist of a research project in which you, under supervision and possibly in collaboration with others, are responsible for carrying out a project (from planning to execution) and presenting the results in a written report. You have the opportunity to, according to your interest and previous background, choose to work in different areas of nutritional research. For example, it may be molecular, physiological, clinical, epidemiological or public health-oriented. In addition to the written report, you will also orally present the results of the degree project as well as oppose another student’s report.
You can choose to do a degree project of 30 credits, 45 credits or 60 credits. If you do a degree project of less than 60 credits, you can choose to take some elective courses to reach 60 credits.
You can do your degree project in Sweden or abroad.
Course syllabus
- Degree Project in nutrition science, 30 credits
- Degree Project in nutrition science, 45 credits
- Degree Project in nutrition science, 60 credits
Christine Delisle Nyström
Course leaderMarie Löf
Course leaderSara Bruce
Educational administratorCourse literature and useful resources
The course literature consist of scientific articles and reports that the student search in connection with the project and that the supervisor provide.
Lists of previous projects in nutrition science
Canvas is the e-learning platform we are using at KI. Here you will find course material, assignments and a possibility to communicate with students and teachers. One to two weeks before the course starts you will as a student get an invitation by e-mail to the address you used at After accepting the invitation you should be able to access the course.
Log in to Canvas
Once you are admitted to the programme you may log in to Canvas for more information on your courses.