Working while studying
Finding a part-time job without speaking Swedish can be difficult, but is not impossible. However, we don't recommend you rely on a part-time job to cover your living costs.
Getting a part time job to earn extra money
Many students are interested in working while studying in Stockholm to earn some extra money. As an international student you are allowed to work next to your studies, but keep in mind that studies at KI means being occupied with school work in a full-time capacity. We recommend you don't rely on a part-time job to cover your living costs.
Common student jobs
Finding a part-time job without speaking Swedish can be difficult, but is not impossible. Common student jobs are babysitting, tutoring a language, teaching any other skill you possess, or working in a café or restaurant.
Many students also take on an extra job in one of the labs at KI or as a student assistant. Some lab jobs are offered on a voluntary basis, without payment.
Tips from our students
How to find an extra job as a student in Sweden?
Tade interviews three classmates about getting an extra job.