For students attending the course Quantitative Research and Methods 2 course code 4GB008
This course progresses on earlier courses by emphasising how measures of disease occurrence (e.g., incidence and prevalence) and associations (e.g. risk ratios, incidence rate ratios, odds ratios) can be estimated using statistical models, and how statistical methods can be used to overcome biases in epidemiological studies. Students will interpret and present output from statistical analysis in written, tabular, and graphical forms.
The course aims to provide students hands-on data analysis skills using statistical software, including:
- linear regression
- logistic regression
- methods to handle time to event data
- estimation methods (maximum likelihood, least squares)
- hypothesis testing and confidence intervals for regression coefficients
- variable selection and model comparison
- absolute and partial predictions
- ethical guidelines (e.g. by the International Statistical Institute) and quality standards (e.g. STROBE)
Will be published 2 weeks before course starts.
Course evaluation and course analysis
Course evaluation and course analysis will be published one month after the end of course.
Contact information
Martin Gerdin Wärnberg
Program director
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