For students attending the course Nutrition and disease – treatment and clinical aspects (10 credits) course code 4NT025

This course deals with the importance of diet for individuals suffering from the global non-communicable diseases (heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes and chronic lung disease etc).


Illustration of the heart.
Photo: Getty Images


Introduction to the course

During the course, the different non-communicable diseases (NCD's) are discussed considering different aspects of relevance when providing nutrition therapy to individuals, such as physiological mechanisms, psycho-social, cultural and economic factors, including global aspects. The understanding of the scientific evidence for nutrition therapy of disease is emphasised.

This course consists of seminars, group work, discussion of clinical cases, workshops, lectures, individual assignments and discussions and providing feedback on fellow-student´s group work. The examination consists of seminars and an individual written assignment.

Course analysis


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Carla Avesani

Course leader
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Sara Bruce

Educational administrator

More material and links to resources

Reports, articles and other prescribed literature are listed at course start and will be available electronically.


Canvas is the e-learning platform we are using at KI. Here you will find course material, assignments and a possibility to communicate with students and teachers. One to two weeks before the course starts you will as a student get an invitation by e-mail to the address you used at After accepting the invitation you should be able to access the course.

Content reviewer:
Sara Bruce