
According to ch. 4 Section 6 of the Higher Education Act (1992: 1434), the government may issue regulations that a student shall be expelled from the higher education institution for the time being in cases where the student:

  1. Suffers from mental disorder
  2. Abuses alcohol or drugs
  3. Has committed a serious crime

As a further condition for expulsion, it applies that, as a result of such a situation as referred to in paragraphs 1-3, there is judged to be a significant risk that the student may harm another person or valuable property during their education.

Questions about separation are examined by the The Higher Education Expulsions Board. The Higher Educations Expulsion Board addresses such issues only after written notification from the Rector or the person appointed by the Rector.

For more information, see Ordinance (2007:989) on the expulsion of students from higher education.

Frida Engman