Interruption of studies

Chapter 7 Section 33 of the Higher Education Ordinance provides that, if there are special grounds, a higher education institution may decide in individual cases that a student admitted to first or second level education may resume his or her studies after an interruption, a so called study break.

Interruption of studies with place guaranteed

If the study programme is expected to have places available, and provided you have special grounds to interrupt your studies, you can be guaranteed the opportunity to resume your studies after a study break. According to regulations issued by the National Agency for Higher Education, such grounds include social-, medical- or other special circumstances, such as caring for a sick child, military or civil alternative service or union commitments. The date of the resumption of studies is to be given in the decision, the place guarantee remaining valid until the specified period expires. As a rule a study break is given maximum one year at the time. 

Interruption of studies without place guaranteed

A student, who has exited from his or her programme sequence and want to continue the studies, without having been granted an approved leave from studies or an individual study plan, must apply for a resumption of studies. To be able to resume his or her studies, the student must meet the prerequisites for the course at the start of the course.

You may choose to interrupt your studies even if a place guarantee cannot be granted. If you have not been granted a guaranteed place back in the programme, you will be given a place on your return on condition that there is a place available in the programme.

Regulations upon resuming first- and second-cycle studies after a departure from the programme sequence.

Single-subject courses

Students on a single-subject course will be granted an interruption of studies on grounds mentioned above only if a date has been fixed for when the course will be re-held. If it is not certain when/if a course will be re-held, an interruption of studies might not be granted.


Applications to interrupt and resume studies are to be made on the relevant forms: "Application for continuing my studies" and "Reporting resumption of studies".

To apply for leave of studies (so called leave of absence or study break) fill in the form “Application for continuing my studies”. In the application form you should fill in the date when you want to reenter the programme to continue your studies.

When you plan to resume your studies you should in due time apply for resumption of studies on the form “Reporting resumption of studies”  (dead line differs for different study programmes).


Chapter 10, section 2 of the Higher Education Ordinance provides that a student may appeal a decision not to grant the right to resume her or his studies after an interruption to the Board of Appeal for Higher Education. 

More information on appeals

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