Courses for incoming exchange students in Dentistry 2025-2026

300 Higher Education Credits, 5 years.

In order to be accepted as an exchange student at KI the applicant must be enrolled at a university that has a written exchange agreement with KI for the specific study programme of interest. Exchange students should be nominated by their home institution. The final decision on admission will be made by KI.

To find the syllabus for the course or rotation you are interested in, follow the link to the course syllabus archive above.

You need to enter the course codes to access the syllabuses and they can be found right before the name of the courses or rotations listed on this page, under "Options in English and Swedish".

Options in English and Swedish

Most courses in the Dentistry programme are offered in Swedish only. For exchange students without very good command of the Swedish language, the Dentistry Programme offers clinical rotations in English. For information on how to apply for exchange studies, see Application.

A clinical rotation requires at least 40 hours of work per week, normally 32 hours of clinical work and eight hours of independent studies. Please note that there is only a limited number of places for clinical rotations and a study place can therefore not be guaranteed.

During the clinical rotation the student will be assigned to a clinical supervisor who will be responsible for ongoing instruction and supervision. Appointed lecturer will be responsible for the clinical area in question and participates together with the clinical supervisor in the initial discussion of the student's educational objectives and in evaluations.

The performance will be graded in accordance with the ECTS grading scale and on the basis of the student´s fulfillment of the learning outcomes stated in the course syllabus.

The following requirements have to be met by students wishing to take part in clinical rotations:

  • A very good command of English (equal to a TOEFL score of 550)
  • 210 ECTS credits at the home university

Clinical rotation offered during spring semester 2026

  • 2EE125 General Dentistry Clinic - Adults, Children and Adolescents, 12 ECTS credits

For more information, please visit the Study Programme website. Note that the website is mostly in Swedish.


Application deadlines

1 October, 2025 for the spring term (mid-January to the beginning of June)

Profile image

Åsa Landes

International coordinator

More information about the programme

Dental students are introduced to the professional life of a dentist in their first year through practical exercises in a dental clinic, visits to dental practices, and contact with later-year students. They meet their first patients in the second year.

At first, patient contact is all about examination, including radiography, diagnostics and oral hygiene instruction. Gradually, treatments become more advanced so that students work with fillings and crowns in their third year and then bridges and dental plates in their fourth.

The theoretical foundation of the course includes chemistry, cell and molecular biology and microbiology, as well as the anatomy and function of bodily organs. The general medical foundation includes pathology, medicine and pharmacology.

Students are also given a grounding in ethics, humanistic medicine, communication, teamwork and patient reception in order to support them in their contact with the public.

Students choose an odontological subject for their degree project at the end of the third year, which they conclude at the end of the fifth with a written and oral presentation.

After graduation

Dentists work in the public (national dental service) or private sector. There is also the opportunity to take a course of specialist training after at least two years of general practice.

Curriculum 2025-2026
12TL0481,5Odontological Introduction
12TL0495Professional Development 1 - The Student
12TL0503Scientific Theory and Research Methods
12TL05111,5Oral Biomedicine 1
1 and 22TL05226,5 (9+17,5)The Structure and Function of the Organ Systems
22TL0537,5Oral Biomedicine 2
32TL0554,5Professional Development 2 - The Patient
32TL0563,5General Pathology
32TL0576General Medicine
32TL0583The Oral Cavity in Health and Disease
32TL0591,5Ethics in Dentistry
32TL0601,5Clinic Administration
32TL0614Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 1
32TL0626Microbial Pathogenesis
42TL0633Orofacial Medicine 1
42TL06410,5Cariology 1
42TL0651,5Dental Biomaterials and Toxicology 1
42TL0666Periodontology 1
42TL0671,5Local Anesthesia
42TL0683Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 2
42TL0691,5Therapy Planning 1
42TL0703Global Oral Health
52TL0713Professional Development 3 - The Team
52TL0725Endodontics 1
52TL0951,5Orofacial Pain and Jaw Function 1
52TL0746Prosthodontics 1
52TL0752Dental Biomaterials and Toxicology 2
52TL0763Cariology 2
52TL0775Periodontology 2
52TL0783Clinical Pharmacology
5 and 62TL0793 (1,5 +1,5)Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 1
62TL0803Endodontics 2
62TL08111Prosthodontics 2
62TL1053Orofacial Pain and Jaw Function 2
62TL0833Orofacial Medicine 2
62TL0844Periodontology 3
62TL0851,5Cariology 3
62TL0861,5Dental Biomaterials and Toxicology 3
62TL0871,5Therapy Planning 2
72TL0883Professional Development 4 - The Clinic
72TL1063Orofacial Pain and Jaw Function 3
72TL0901,5Orofacial Medicine 3
72TL09112Prosthodontics 3
72TL0923Implantology 1
7 and 82TL0933Oral Diseases - Prevention and Treatment
7 to 102TL09430Degree Project in Odontology
82TL0966Prosthodontics 4
82TL0974Implantology 2
82TL0989,5Children's and Adolescent Dentistry
82TL1001,5Therapy Planning 3
92TL1012Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 3
92TL1023General Dentistry Clinic 1 - Adults
92TL1034General Dentistry Clinic 1 - Children
9 and 102TL1044 (1,5 + 2,5)Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2
102TL1076Professional Development 5 - The Outside World
102TL1083Orofacial Medicine 4
102TL1092Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 4
102TL1107,5General Dentistry Clinic 2 - Adults
102TL1111,5General Dentistry Clinic 2 - Children
Åsa Landes