Courses for incoming exchange students in Midwifery 2025-2026

To be accepted as an exchange student at Karolinska Institutet you must be enrolled at a higher education institution that has a written exchange agreement with Karolinska Institutet for the specific study programme of interest. Exchange students should be selected and nominated by their home institution, however the final decision on admission is made by Karolinska Institutet.

To find the syllabus for the course or rotation you are interested in, follow the link to  the course syllabus archive above.

You need to enter the course codes to access the syllabuses and they can be found right before the name of the courses or rotations listed on this page, under "Options in English" and "Options in Swedish".

Options in English

For exchange students without Swedish language command, the Midwifery Programme offers two courses/rotations in English as presented below. For information on how to apply and application deadlines, please use links below.

Curricular courses

All courses are full-time courses and require at least 40 hours of work per week. A student can only attend one course at a time. One study week is equivalent to 1.5 ECTS credits. The performance will be graded in accordance with the ECTS grading scale and on the basis of the student's fulfillment of the learning outcomes stated in the course syllabus. General, and sometimes specific requirements have to be met in order to apply for the courses (see below).

Please also note that there is only a limited number of places and a study place can therefore not be guaranteed.

General requirements

Specific requirements

In addition to the general requirements above, the student must also fulfil these specific requirements:

  • 90 ECTS credits (1.5 years of study) at the home university

For students from the Netherlands, Australia and Malawi

  • 2EE011 Clinical rotation within Midwifery, 7.5 ECTS credits, 5 weeks

For students from London

  • 2EE117 Clinical Rotation within the Swedish Midwifes Scope of Practice, 3 ECTS credits, 2 weeks

Project course (spring semester)

  • 2EE127 Project work, 7.5 ECTS credits, 5 weeks


Application deadlines

  • 1 May (for the autumn semester 2025, end of August to mid-January)
  • 15 October (for the spring semester 2025, mid-January to the beginning of June)


Curriculum 2025-2026
Curriculum Midwifery 2025-2026
SemesterCourseECTS Credits
1Reproductive physiology, psychology and global health15
Gynecological and sexual health within introduction to maternity care15
2Delivery care15
Maternal healthcare and contraception15
3Degree project15
Delivery- and postnatal care15
Profile image

Magdalena Palmqvist

Administrative Officer