Here you will find information on how to apply for your degree, degree certificate rules and other things you need to know about your degree. Keep in mind that in order to get a degree, you have to apply for the degree certificate yourself.

Applying for a degree certificate
When you have completed your studies at KI, you need to apply for a degree certificate in Ladok. Here, you can read about the whole process.

Degrees - Frequently asked questions
Here are the answers to the most frequent questions about your degree.

Degree certificate
The degree certificate is a document that shows that you have met the requirements for a particular degree.

Degree certificate rules
In order to receive a Degree certificate, the requirements for the degree must be met. Here you will find information about the rules that apply to a degree.

Copy of degree certificate issued before 1 April 2024
If you need a copy of your degree certificate, issued before 1 April 2024.

Share and verify your digital degree
Are you applying for a job? Have you been asked to verify your degree? Here you will learn how to share and verify your degree.

Graduation Ceremonies/Doctoral degree Conferment Ceremonies
Karolinska Institutet organizes Graduation Ceremonies for the students who have completed their undergraduate education or their global master's program at KI, as well as Conferment Ceremonies for new doctors.
Contact the degree officers
If you have questions regarding degree certificates, please contact KI's Degree Office.
E-mail: examen@ki.se
Telephone: 08-524 86 440
Telephone hours on Tuesdays at 09.30-11.00.
Postal address:
Karolinska Institutet
Avdelningen för utbildningsstöd
171 77 Stockholm
Contact Academic Ceremonies
If you have questions regarding your Graduation Ceremony or your Doctoral degree Conferment Ceremony, please contact the team organising the Academic Ceremonies of Karolinska Institutet.
E-mail: examensceremoni@ki.se

The KI Alumni Network
Don't forget to join our KI Alumni Network!
Our alumni are very important to us. We hope that you want to keep in touch with KI through our alumni network, KI Alumni, with over 19,000 members across the world.