Incoming student exchange on bachelor and master's level within NeurotechEU

The European University of Brain and Technology - NeurotechEU - is an alliance between eight universities. Student mobility on all levels within the alliance is encouraged. Students pursuing bachelor's and master's degrees at universities within the alliance have the opportunity to apply for various courses and research projects.

Bachelor and master's level

To be accepted as an exchange student at Karolinska Institutet (KI) you must be enrolled at a higher education institution that has reached exchange agreement with Karolinska Institutet within the NeurotechEU alliance. Exchange students should be selected and nominated by their home institution, however the final decision on admission is made by Karolinska Institutet.

All courses, including research-oriented projects, are offered full-time and require at least 40 hours of work per week. The courses are given in blocks, and you can attend only one course at a time. One week of full-time studies corresponds to 1.5 ECTS credits and one semester is equivalent to 30 ECTS credits.

The performance will be graded in accordance with the ECTS grading scale and on the basis of the student’s fulfillment of the learning outcomes stated in the course syllabus.

General requirements

Find your course syllabus here.

Karolinska Institutet offers scientific research-oriented projects within neuroscience and neurotechnology on Bachelor and Master’s level during both autumn and spring semester. You can choose between 15 ECTS or 30 ECTS credit projects covering 10 or 20 weeks respectively. Starting dates are flexible and agreed upon with the local supervisors at Karolinska Institutet.

  • 1EE127 Neuroscience/neurotechnology project for exchange students within NeurotechEU, 15 ECTS credits (Bachelor’s level)
  • 1EE126 Neuroscience/neurotechnology project for exchange students within NeurotechEU, 30 ECTS credits (Bachelor’s level)
  • 2EE129 Neuroscience/neurotechnology project for exchange students within NeurotechEU, 15 ECTS credits (Master’s level)
  • 2EE128 Neuroscience/neurotechnology project for exchange students within NeurotechEU, 30 ECTS credits (Master’s level)

Make your own arrangements 

You need to make your own initial arrangements and secure the collaboration of a prospective project supervisor priorto applying to Karolinska Institutet. The most successful approach is to participate in an ongoing research project within your area of interest. When you initiate contact with potential supervisors inform them that you will apply for a NeurotechEU exchange at KI. Supervisors are in high demand and may not be able to respond to your inquiry immediately, so please be patient.

When you have received confirmation, you state the subject area and the hosting supervisor at Karolinska Institutet in your exchange application form. If you need assistance, please contact the international and academic coordinators at Karolinska Institutet.

Application deadlines

  • 1 May, for the autumn semester (end of August to mid-January)
  • 1 November  for the spring semester (mid-January to the beginning of June)

Common questions

Who can apply?

When you have been nominated by your home institution for exchange studies at Karolinska Institutet, the international coordinator at KI will get in contact with you by email with further information regarding the application process.

Will I be admitted?

A limited number of places is offered and you apply in competition. A study place can therefore not be guaranteed. Please choose more than one alternative  when filling in the application form, since that will increase your chances of being admitted.

NeurotechEU consists of eight universities from as many countries. 

  • Radboud Universiteit (Netherlands)
  • Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche (Spain)
  • Karolinska Institutet (Sweden)
  • Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn (Germany)
  • Boğaziçi Üniversitesi (Turkey)
  • Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie „Iuliu Hațieganu” din Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
  • Université de Lille (France)
  • Háskólinn í Reykjavík (Iceland)

For more information regarding the partner universities please visit this alliance's page.

Contacts at KI

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Giulia Grillo Mikrut

NeurotechEU international mobility coordinator
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Ola Hermanson

Academic coordinator NeurotechEU