Student and doctoral student ombudspersons
The students’ and doctoral students’ ombudspersons is an independent office, employed by the student unions, to whom you may turn with matters relating to you as a student, such as if you feel unfairly treated by someone at KI or have problems in your dealings with other students or members of staff.
The students’ and doctoral students’ ombudspersons represents all students, and not only pleads individual causes but also proposes amendments to procedures that affect students. You may remain anonymous in your dealings with the ombudsperson.
The ombudspersons can:
- be a neutral and independent instance between you and Karolinska Institutet in a possible conflict;
- help you understand your own rights and obligations;
- help you with complaints;
- investigate whether Karolinska Institutet follows the rules in handling your cases and protects your rights.
The ombudspersons can't:
- take sides in the matter;
- decide on the matter;
- instruct or get instructed by units or decision-making bodies at Karolinska Institutet;
- be an appeal body for issues already addressed and dealt with by other entities or decision-making bodies at Karolinska Institutet.