For students attending the Bachelor's Programme in Biomedicine Contact details

Contact details for the programme leadership for the Biomedical Programmes

The study counsellor

Hello, my name is Malin Sandell and I work as Study consellor and Programme officer for the three programmes

  • Bachelor's Programme in Biomedicine
  • Master's Programme in Biomedicine
  • Master's Programme in Molecular Techniques in Life Science

As the programme study counsellor I can give you information on the rules concerning eligibility for advancing onto a higher term, excemptions, the interruption of studies, the resumption of studies etc. Further more I can help you with the planning of your future studies, study techniques, or student social issues. Please note that as study concellor I work under the Pledge of Confidentiality (see below for further information).

You are welcome to call me, e-mail and/or make an appointment for a visit.

Pledge of confidentiality

Karolinska Institutet's study counsellors are bound by a pledge of confidentiality in accordance with chapter 7, section 9 of the Secrecy Act, and on no condition will disclose information about a student's personal circumstances to a third party without the student's explicit consent.

Make an appointment by e-mailing me or calling me.

My office is located at Berzelius Lab Education Support Office, Programme Comittee for the Biomedical programmes

Address:Berzelius väg 3, level 5
171 77 Stockholm
Ph: 08-524 836 64

Student Wellbeing Centre 

Are you finding it difficult to concentrate on your studies? Are you concerned about your life situation? Are you suffering from performance anxiety? Do you need someone to talk to?

Contact persons Student Wellbeing Centre

Student ombudsman

The student ombudsman is an independent office, employed by the student unions, to whom you may turn with matters relating to you as a student, such as if you feel unfairly treated by someone at KI or have problems in your dealings with other students or members of staff.

Contact person Studentombud

KI Health Promotion

The KI Health Promotion team has gathered advice and inspirational tips with live-stream classes etc at

KI Health promotion

Physical activity is essential for physical health and wellbeing as well as psychosocial health.

Keep physically active, ie take walks, work out or do yoga at home!

Tips for studying at home

  • Plan - make a schedule, to-do lists- for what you are going to do when. Plan your week, your day. Plan when you are going to have breakfast, when you are going to study, when you will be taking a break, including lunch break, plan your physical training and when you will socialise.
  • Set realistic goals and pat your self on the shoulder when you have achieved the task.
  • Get your priorities straight, do the difficult and complicated things first otherwise it is easy to get stuck on trivial and as it turns out, time consuming matters (also known as Parkinson’s Law of triviality)
  • To avoid the temptation, leave your mobile phone off when you study.
  • Work during the morning, even students tend to be more efficient in the morning than during the evening or at night.
  • If you find it hard to concentrate use the Pomodoro-method
  • Challenge your self to get new good habits, start small, maybe one push-up a day before breakfast every day, or a walk before you go to bed at night, try to make it into a routine, expand on it.
  • Be nice to your self and be nice to your future you. Take care of your self now, eat, sleep, work out and study.

Student Wellbeing Centre

If you feel strong anxiety or you think you may suffer from a depression you can contact the Student Health Center to ask for help and advice. They are bound by professional secrecy. All services at the Student Wellbeing Centre are offered free of charge!

“The pressures you can experience as a student can feel never ending. Give yourself the best possible chance to feel good and to have enough energy to manage your studies and enjoy your free time”.

Lifestyle tests at KI

113 13 is a national information number

You can call the information number 113 13 to provide or obtain information regarding serious accidents and crises. 113 13 is a service for municipalities and other actors to communicate information to the public in the event of serious accidents and crises in the community. All information provided via 113 13 is verified information, i.e. it has been confirmed by the municipality etc. where the incident took place.
From abroad, call +46 (0)77 33 113 13.


Contact information to programme management

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Jonas Sundbäck

Director of studies
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Rachel Fisher

Programme Director
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Anthony Wright

Chair of the programme committee

Malin Sandell

Study Councelor

Markus Jonegård

Programme Officer
Content reviewer:
John Sennett