Terms and conditions - Excecutive and professional education

Here you find a summary of of the terms and conditions that apply to executive and professional education at KI. Detailed information about the terms can be found below.

Contract education

This course is offered as contract education, in accordance with the Ordinance (SFS 2002:760) on Contract Education at Universities and University Colleges, and the Swedish National Agency for Higher Education's directions for Contract Education at Universities and University Colleges (HSVFS 2003:3).

Thus, the courses can be commissioned only by a legal entity - an organisation, company or the equivalent. Payment from individuals is not accepted. The purchasing organisation must be specified on the application form.

The course is conducted under the condition that we receive a sufficient number of participants.

Confirmation of application

In signing the confirmation of application the Customer accepts these general terms and conditions and in so doing enters into an agreement with Karolinska Institutet, org. nr 202100–2973, 171 77 Stockholm, the Contractor (herein under referred to as KI).

Cancelling or discontinuing courses

Registration is binding once the Customer has signed the confirmation of application form, which shall be sent to KI for receipt no later than eight working days after registration in order to be valid. The course content, fee and registration deadline are stated in the information for each course, which can be found on www.ki.se/epe.

The Customer shall immediately inform KI if the Customer is unable to start or complete the Course at the times stated in the course information. The Customer is then obliged to compensate KI as follows:

  • For cancellations made later than three (3) weeks before Course start: 100 per cent of the Course fee.
  • For cancellations made later than six (6) weeks before Course start: 50 per cent of the Course fee.

This also applies to the cost per participant of any individual who is registered on the Course who fails to complete it.

Payment and payment terms

The Customer shall pay the fees stated in the course information or as quoted per participant, plus VAT.

KI shall invoice the Customer approximately 6 weeks before the start of the course with a payment term of 30 days. Late payment shall be subject to interest as provided in the Interest Act (1975:635).
