Student influence

Active and committed student participation is central to the university's development work and to the quality of higher education. Quality work is a common concern for higher education for both staff and students.

The students shall have the right to exert influence over the education at the universities shall work to ensure that the students take an active part in the work to further develop the education.

All students are co-actors in the university's activities and thus also have a co-responsibility in influencing and developing the education. In order for student influence to materialize, students need to take an active and committed role both as individuals and as a collective. A prerequisite for this is that the students' views, opinions and suggestions are sought and met with respect. The university has a responsibility to practically facilitate, and in other ways encourage and contribute to the students' involvement in the development work.

Participation in decisions and preparation

The students have the right to be represented when decisions are made or preparations take place that are important for the education or the student's situation. It is the student unions who appoint student representatives.

If you want to become a student representative, contact your student union:

The Medical Student Union (MF)

Student influence through evaluations

Students who participate in or have completed a course are given the opportunity to convey their experiences and views on the course through a course evaluation. The course evaluations are to be compiled and keep students informed about the results and any decisions or actions that are taken in regards to the course evaluations. The results should be made available to students via the course web.

In addition to course evaluations, additional questionnaires and evaluations are carried out (for example; student barometer, VFU questionnaire, degree questionnaire, alumni questionnaire and thematic evaluations) to gather students' experiences and views on the education and the students' situation.

Student Unions referral body within internal referrals

In cases where it is considered that comments on a case need to be obtained by referral to one or more instances (e.g. institutions) and the matter is relevant to the education or the student's situation, the student unions shall constitute a referral body.


Instructions for student influence at Karolinska Institutet

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