Dance for health

Do you set too high expectations for yourself? Do you experience symptoms of stress or performance anxiety? Then Dance for Health is the class for you!


This class is for you who may not be used to dancing but who are curious to explore the magic of movement and how movement and dance can increase well-being and lower stress levels.  

The class is based on Anna Duberg's research-based method "Dance for health". The idea of the method is the focus on joy of movement and social connection without any demands on performance. When we dance, we become more mindful in our body and the mind can rest. 

You will be guided in different exercises of movement and dancing with the focus on you, your body, and your own unique movement. Each session will contain elements of mindfulness and we always end with relaxation. Up to 15 students can participate. 

The class is led by: Stina Sunkel, clinical nurse specialist.

Date and time: 8 sessions on Tuesdays starting on October 15th, 16:30 - 17:45.

Location: Health promotion MIND – Campus Flemingsberg
Alfred Nobels allé 23

Content reviewer:
Emma Rydberg