Lifestyle tests
The pressure you may experience as a student can somtimes feel overwhelming. Give yourself the best possible chance to feel good and to have enough energy to manage your studies and enjoy your free time. Test your health-related habits anonymously and receive advice, tips and tools.
Test your habits

Lifestyle profile
This is a short survey about alcohol, tobacco use, eating habits, physical activity and stress. Answer the questions to get an overview of your lifestyle.

Test: drinking habits
A moderate consumption of alcohol is an accepted element of our social life, both in the private and public spheres. But where does the line between moderate amounts and too much go?
7 questions about your drinking habits.
Test: physical activity
Your body is cut to be in motion. Take the test and get advice on how to increase your physical activity.
7 questions about your physical activity
Test: eating habits
Do you get enough energy and nutrition to make you feel good, cope with your studies and other activities?
12 questions about your eating habits.

Test: mental health
Test your mental health anonymously. Focus lies on anxiety and depression.
17 questions about your mental health

Test: tobacco habits
What do you know about tobacco use linked to health? Find out more about the impact of tobacco and get tips and advice for quitting smoking or snus.
12 questions about tobacco habits.

Test: stress level
Do you feel a little too stressed? Do you have trouble unwinding and relaxing?
18 questions about your stress level
These tests have been developed by researchers at Linköping University and Professor Preben Bendtsen has made the scientific review of the content.