Executive and Professional Education - Course catalogue

Below you will find more information about courses in the area of executive and professional education at KI. Explore our current open enrolment courses or read more about customised courses and available subject areas.

Start date Sort descending Course nameCreditsPriceCategoryDescription
Global health, disasters and health crises 3 hpFolkhälsovetenskap, katastrofmedicinIn this course you will gain an overall understanding of global health and how disasters and health crises affect public health, as well as insights…
Disasters, health crises and communicable and non-communicable diseases, as well as epidemic outbreaks 3 hpIn this course you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the global burden of disease and be equipped with tools to plan ethically anchored…
Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), as well as child health in disasters and health crises 3 hpThe course provides you with a comprehensive understanding of sexual and reproductive health and child health in disasters and health crises, along…
Project planning and response in disasters and health crises 3 hpIn this course, you focus on planning health responses in disasters and crises, with an emphasis on international humanitarian programs. You develop…
Master's Courses in Dementia Care for Physiotherapists and Occupational therapists 2025 60 hp 168 000 SEKDemens, DementiaThis unique education is offered in cooperation with Stiftelsen Silviahemmet, and participants who complete the courses will earn the title of…
Dementia from Cell to Society – for dentists, dental hygienists, dietitians, speech-language pathologists and audiologists, Autumn 2025 15 hp 35 000 SEKDemens, DementiaThis course is for dentists, dental hygienists, dietitians, speech-language pathologists and audiologists who in their profession meet patients with…
Master's Courses in Dementia Care for Physicians 2025 60 hp 214 000 SEKDemens, DementiaMaster’s Courses in Dementia Care for Physicians addresses a wide range of aspects, from the latest research, diagnosis and treatment to…