For students attending the course Information literacy: searching, writing and presenting science (4 credits) course code 4FF013

The aim of the course is that the student should develop their knowledge to search and handle scientific information and their medical scientific writing and presentation as well as their information competence.


About the course

The course has a mixture of learning activities where web based learning is combined with lectures, group work and seminar with poster presentation and opposition with full-time teaching (100%). Full-time teaching corresponds to 40 hours of study per week.

The course starts September 2, and runs for 2 weeks and 3 days. 


Registration is mandatory in order to keep your place and participate in the course. You register yourself in Ladok. The registration is open from one week before the course starts and three days after.

More information about web registration.


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Sofia Pettersson

Course Administrator

Course evaluation and course analysis

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