Information to students about how KI processes personal data

In KI's privacy policy, KI informs about how personal information is processed at KI and what rights you have as a registered student. Below is an in-depth account of what applies to students at KI.

Why do we process your personal information?

In order to manage and report the results of your studies, we need to process your personal information at KI. KI is responsible for processing your personal information. The personal data being processed is the information you provide when applying for education at KI as well as data provided by you in your student account or in a study administrative system, such as Canvas for example.

When you have applied and been admitted to KI, the personal data you have submitted in your application from the Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR) to KI are passed through the Ladok administrative system. Address details are retrieved from the State Personal Address Register (SPAR).

The personal data KI collects and processes are primarily names, social identity numbers or equivalent, as well as contact details. Other information we deal with include for example study results.

If you carry out an internship in your education, KI will provide your personal information to the organization where the practice is conducted, for example in the Region Stockholm. The same applies if you study or practice abroad in connection to your education.

In connection with your admission to studies at KI, and during your period of study, KI will also process your contact details to inform you about your studies, activities linked to your studies and services that KI offers during your study period, e.g. student health care.

KI will process contact information for you after you have completed your studies in order to follow up on how you experienced your study time and to offer you the opportunity to register as a KI alum.

Legal ground for the processing of your personal information

The legal basis for processing personal data is Article 6.1 c and 6.1 e of the Data Protection Ordinance and 2 chap. 1-2 § of the Data Protection Act. The processing is necessary in order for KI to fulfill a legal obligation, perform a task of public interest or as part of the KI's exercise of authority. For example, KI is required to keep study records according to Regulation (1993: 1153) on the account of your studies, etc. at universities and colleges. At KI, Ladok is used for that purpose.

KI needs to process your social identity number due to the importance of a secure identification (see Article 87 Data Protection Regulation and Chapter 3, Section 10, Data Protection Act).

If you are in contact with Student Health and/or need special educational support due to disability, or if you apply for an approved leave from studies for special reasons, you will then receive information about how KI deals with sensitive personal data.

Your rights as a registered student

  • You are entitled to receive information about what personal data concerning you that we process
  • You have the right to have incorrect information about you corrected.
  • You are entitled to have information about you deleted in certain situations.
  • You are entitled to request that the processing of some of your personal data be limited and to withdraw consent.

If you want to use your rights, have questions about data protection or are dissatisfied with our way of processing your personal information, please contact KI by email to or letter to Registrar, Karolinska Institutet, 171 77 Stockholm. Visiting address: Nobels väg 5, Solna.

If you are not satisfied with our way of handling your personal information, you can file a complaint to the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection's, IMY.

Note: The Swedish version of information and regulations prevails over this translation which is written for informative purposes.
