Work environment for students
On this page, you will find information about the working environment for students at KI.
What is work environment?
Work environment is what affects how you are doing during your studies. Different aspects of the work environment for students are:
• How you thrive and how the studies are organised
• Lifting, working position, premises, chemicals, machines
• Air, sound, light, workload, content of the studies
• Stress and possibility of recovery
• Relationships with fellow students and teachers
• Accidents and injuries
Karolinska Institutet is responsible for the work environment and it is the head of department who is responsible for the work environment for the activities (including the educational activities) within his/her department. The head of department can distribute work environment tasks further. As an education provider, KI shall conduct systematic work environment management together with student safety representatives (who are the students' representatives in work environment issues), safety representatives and the trade unions. Systematic work environment management can be divided into three areas:
1. Physical work environment
Examples of this are premises, ventilation, lighting, sound and aids at a workplace.
2. Organisational work environment
The way the training is arranged, led, communicated and how decisions are made.
3. Social work environment
The way we interact and talk to each other in the course/education. This also includes communication in digital networks such as emails, text messages, chats, and so on.
What is expected of you as a student?
Everyone has a responsibility for the work environment, including students. This means that you as a student are expected to:
- Follow instructions
- Using protective equipment
- Point out shortcomings in the work environment
- Report accidents and incidents
- To be a good fellow human being who contributes to a good working climate (study climate)
A student can point out shortcomings in the work environment directly to the course director (or examiner, study counsellor or other staff you feel confident in) and via course evaluations. Talk primarily with the course director or examiner, study counsellor, whose contact details you will find on the course and programme websites, or other staff you feel confident in. If you need support, you can contact the students’ and doctoral students’ ombudspersons or a student safety representative.
Psychosocial work environment
We are influenced by each other and it is important to respect other students and teachers, even if they do not think as you do. KI works for a good psychosocial work environment and for equal conditions for students, which means that KI's students should have a work environment that is free from discrimination and violations. High performance requirements and stress can lead to a poor work environment.
Report incidents and risks
As a student, you are expected to point out shortcomings in the work environment and report accidents and near misses (an event that could have led to an accident). Do this by contacting the course management and reporting accidents and risks via one of the entrances to the incident reporting system.
The Student Health Centre has a wide range of seminars and courses and can also provide individual advice. The Academic Writing Support at the university library offers students at KI supervision in academic writing, presentation techniques and study techniques in Swedish and English.
As a student, you are insured in the event of an accident during school hours, and during direct travel between the residence and the university. You must have a current registration as an active student in Ladok to be covered by the insurance. In some cases, you will need to submit a copy of the insurance report to receive compensation.