For students attending the course Introduction to Planning and Program Development (5 credits) course code 4FH098

The overall goal of the course is to give the students, knowledge and understanding of the systematic development of theory-based health promotion programmes.


Welcome to the course "Introduction to Planning and Program Development", Spring 2025

The course starts January 30, 2025

A very warm welcome to semester two and the third course on the master program in Public Health Sciences. We are looking forward to meet you all!


Registration to keep your place and attend the course is compulsory. You register yourself in Ladok. The registration period is one week before the course starts and three days into the course. More information about web registration 


For further information about this course, please contact:

Anna Toropova
Course leader and examiner


About the course


After completion of the course, students should be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of health promotion and evidence-based public health;
  • Discuss the systematic approach of health promotion programme development;
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of how to promote health and health behaviours at different levels;
  • Critically analyse and adequately justify the decisions made during the systematic development of the programme theory.


As this course aims at giving master students, knowledge and skills necessary for the systematic development of theory-based health promotion programmes, the content focuses on the following themes:

  • The importance of systematically planning the development of theory-based health promotion programmes;
  • The key principles of systematically planning the development of theory-based health promotion programmes;
  • Analysing health problems and developing a problem-theory;
  • Defining intervention outcomes and developing a programme theory;
  • Selecting theoretical approaches of change;
  • Translating the theoretical approaches into programme components;
  • Developing an intervention plan and identify barriers to implementation.

Teaching methods

The course is based on lectures in combination with group-work in order to promote a reflective, analytical and critical approach towards the systematic development of health promotion programmes. The lectures provide the students with knowledge on how to systematically develop health promotion programmes. The group-work will provide the opportunity for students to explore lecture themes in more detail and apply the knowledge gained. All teachers in the course are active researchers in the field of intervention and implementation research. Students are expected to undertake self-directed learning alongside contact time. Self-directed study may include reading, accessing supplementary materials, critical analyses and assignments.


Schedule Spring 2025 (text version)

Schedule Spring 2025 (calendar version)

Contact information

Profile image

Anna Toropova

Course director and examiner
Profile image

Åsa Lycke

Course administrator
Content reviewer:
Åsa Lycke