Administrative forms

On this page you find forms and documents related to the administration of your studies. Most of the applications you hand in to your Programme study counsellor (students only).

Send a completed copy of the correct form, and we will be able to help you quicker and more easily.

Limits on the number of examination sessions

If limiting the number of examination sessions is justified, the limitation shall be specified in the course syllabus.

Students shall be entitled to at least six examination sessions for each individual examination necessary for a passing grade in a course. This does not apply if a course is no longer offered or if it has undergone major changes, see Section 2.9. For examination of on-site training and other practical course components examined through continuous examination, students shall be entitled to at least two examination sessions.

A student who risks failing within the maximum number of examination sessions as specified in the course syllabus should be offered support measures in order to avoid students being unable to complete their education.

The examiner decides on additional examination sessions, see the course website for information about your examiner.

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