For students attending the FAQ for newly admitted master students at the Department of Global Public Health
Get answers to the most frequently asked questions.
When you have questions or need assistance with for example, help with registration (if you have not been able to register yourself), a scanned copy of an exam, a study certificate (other than the one´s you can generate from Ladok) or other administrative support - we at the education administration are here for you. Warmly welcome!

When I have administrative questions – Where do I turn?
You turn to us – just send us an e-mail to, text us or call us. You find our contact information here
Where and when can I find schedules for the courses?
A frame schedule is usually posted on the open course web 4 weeks prior to the course start. You will find all course and programme webiste at KI here
A detailed schedule is posted on the open course web 2 weeks prior to the course start.
You will be able to access Canvas once you are admitted to the programme.
For information on start and end dates of the semester, please check the Academic Calendar
How do I register for a course?
You register by logging in to your student account on this link:
Is it mandatory to register?
Yes it is mandatory to register yourself in Ladok.
Why should I register myself?
- Access to the learning platform Canvas
- Access to library resources
- To show that I am an active student
You can always log in and check your registration on the link above.
If I have problems registering for a course
If you have missed the date to register, we will help you to do it. Please contact us at
Do I have to attend the mandatory registration in the beginning of each course?
Yes, if you don´t attend you will not be registered to the course. Admitted students who fail to register for studies at KI within the prescribed time, i.e. mandatory sessions, forfeit their place on the course/study programme.
Attendance - Is attendance compulsory?
Compulsory lectures and other mandatory activities will be marked in the schedule.
Pay attention to the schedule and always contact the course leader if you miss a mandatory session.
What do I do if I miss a compulsory teaching or mandatory activities?
Each course leader will provide this information at the beginning of the course.
Examination - Do I have to register for an examination?
To attend an examination, you must register in Ladok no later than the deadline set for the exam, usually 10 days before the examination day. Pre Registration is mandatory and required when taking an exam. When the examination is available for registration, it will appear your page in Ladok. If you do not register in advance you cannot participate.
Where do I go to get my written exam?
If the exam is written on paper, we scan all written exams. If you want a copy of your graded exam, you just contact us, and we will send it to your e-mail address. (We prefer to send it to your KI Stud email).
When the exam is digital, you will access your exam in Canvas or in the system where your digital exam was held.
How do I register for a re-exam?
The date for the re-exam will be sent to you by e-mail from e-mail address Please keep in mind that it is your responsibility to keep yourself informed and register for re-exams.
You register to a re-exam by sending an email to two weeks before the re-exam date. You will find information on your Canvas page, and you will get an e-mail with time and place.
Why should I use my student email?
The email you choose to use, should show your name so that we can identify you. Preferably use your KI email address professionally as a KI student. For example, when you contact an examiner, a researcher, advisor, course leader, MF or administrators at KI.
We do not send personal data, for example certificates and grades to an e-mail address where we cannot identify you as a student at KI.
How do I change my email address in Ladok?
Via the Personal menu you can change your contact details in Ladok. You can set a temporary address if you have moved and change the email address you intend to use. In the Personal menu in the tab with "your name" click on the Contact details link (in Ladok).
Where do I get Official Transcript of record and certificate of registration?
You can generate this kind of certificates from Ladok. If you need a signed certificate, for example for a scholarship, we, at the administration support will help to sign it.
I have dyslexia / disability or other disability - how do I get the help I need?
The university has a special department to facilitate the situation of students with disabilities. Read more on the page:
When do students have winter holiday?
The autumn semester formally stops in the middle of January. Karolinska Institutet doesn´t have any winter break, but the national holidays in December and in the beginning of January are lesson free. When you start the program you can contact the course leader and ask for the preliminary schedule for Christmas time. For KI semester dates see the Academic calendar.
I need to take a study break, how do I do it?
Students who want to interrupt their studies or take a study break must contact your programme study counsellor. Here you can read more about what applies: Study interruption