For students attending the course Medical Technology in Digital Health Transformation course code 2QA327
This course will increase your digital readiness and make you better equipped to participate in digital health transformation in an active way. It will provide you a holistic view of healthcare transformation driven by healthcare needs and supported by enabling technologies.
Welcome information
About the course
The course is entirely web-based and consists of webinars, lectures (online and pre-recorded), individual assignments, online discussions and demonstrations.
Course start HT 24
2024-08-26: Introduction via Zoom at 4-5pm
Registration for the course is mandatary. Students who do not register within the registration period will be withdrawn. You register by logging in to your student account in Ladok. The registration period opens the Monday three weeks before the course starts and ends on Tuesday the week before the course starts. Find more information about web-registration here.
Students must have completed registration from the 12th to the 27th of August, otherwise their placement will be offered to another applicant in the queue.
Student account activation
For HT24, students can activate their student accounts from August 2. There is more information about this at

The course aims to:
- help participants recognize the factors behind the need for a healthcare transformation.
- introduce digital healthcare transformation to healthcare professionals:
- present the role of medical technology in digital healthcare transformation.
- enable participants to differentiate between healthcare digitalization and digital health transformation.
- prepare participants in taking a role in digital health transformation
Course set up:
The course amounts to 7,5 ECTS and is delivered part-time. The course is entirely web-based and consists of webinars, lectures (online and pre-recorded), individual assignments, online discussions and demonstrations.
Course content:
- High-value care and quadruple aim
- Patient centeredness and patient engagement
- Healthcare digitalization
- Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) and Patient Reported Experience Measures (PREMs)
- Healthcare process improvement
- Real world data and precision medicine
- Interoperability in digital healthcare
- Ethics in digital health
- Business intelligence in healthcare
- Artificial intelligence and process-oriented data science
- Medical device and digital health regulations
- Real-time locations systems
- Telemedicine, eHealth and mHealth
Schedule HT2024
Note that the schedule is preliminary and subject to changes
Fernando Seoane
Course leaderCecilia Hultqvist
Course administratorCANVAS

Log in to Canvas
In the learning platform Canvas, you will find the courses you are admitted to. You log in to Canvas with your KI ID and password.

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