For students attending the course Professional Identity within Healthcare from a Global Perspective (3 ECTS credits) course code 1EE104
The students learn about healthcare and rehabilitation from a global perspective from different health status and cultural aspects. They also gain knowledge about Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) and WHO´s sustainable goals.
Welcome information
The professional identity course, which is held in English, is given during spring each year as a course for international students at KI. The course takes place during two weeks in May, one week is on site at KI and one week is with a task at the students home university.
The course will run between w. 19-20 during the spring semester 2025. Please see schedule for more information.
The first week of the course, admitted students also study together with students attending the international course Community- and homebased rehabilitation – cultural perspectives (1EE021/1XX011/9XX021).
Course content
The course includes lectures, along with workshops with international students and international teachers. During the course these lectures and workshops, along with group work assignments, will serve to strengthen professional identity knowledge from different global aspects. Both theory and practice regarding community based rehabilitation and sustainable development goals (SDG´s) from WHO will be on the agenda.
Module 1 is examined through a group work presentation. Module 2 is examined at your home university, when you present your findings for a high quality healthcare.
Course registration
Course registration is mandatory, you will yourself register in Ladok. If needed, the course administrator can also assist international students with the registration. The registration is always open one week before the course starts to two days after it has started. More information about course registration.
Contact information
Mandana Fallah Pour
Course DirectorHélène von Strauss
Course AdministratorChristoffer Bodforss
Administrative officer and International Coordinator at the Education Support Office at Karolinska Institutet
Student at KI
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