For students attending the course Introduction to Brain Imaging in Neuroscience: With a Focus on MRI, PET, EEG and MEG Methods, 7.5 credits - elective cross-program course course code 2XX082

Through the course, you get an understanding of the methods used for measuring the function and structure of the human brain in neuroscience. The focus is on the methods magnetic resonance imaging (structural and functional MRI), positron emission tomography (PET), electroencephalography (EEG) and magnetoencephalography (MEG).


Course registration

Registration to keep your place and participate in the course is mandatory. You register yourself in Ladok. The registration period is one week before the start of the course until two days after the start of the course, you will find these dates in Ladok.

Click here for more important information about what applies during registration.

Course start with mandatory attendance

The course begins with compulsory course start and introduction.

When: Tuesday 3 September 2024, 08:30.

Where: Via Zoom. Link sent out via Canvas.

About the course

The course runs during the period September 03 - November 22, 2024 - with the last exam on November 8 and then time for project work and presentations. The study rate is 50%. Lectures (36 occasions) as well as immediately following group discussions with students and lecturers are done digitally, but are mandatory and scheduled during the day, on two mornings a week during the course period (Tuesdays and Thursdays 8.30-12.00, subject to the possibility of minor changes). Examinations (5 occasions) and presentation of individual in-depth work (1 occasion) are also scheduled and mandatory.

The course is given together with a free standing version of the course (with the course code 2QA313 for the same course).

Course literature

Course literature can be found in the syllabus (see link above) and in the schedule with reading instructions (see link further down the page).

Information on distance learning

Access to a computer with webcam and internet connection is required.
Teaching is divided into six course elements and takes place through scheduled lectures, group discussions and in-depth work - all of which is done digitally, but with mandatory, scheduled daytime participation.


Profile image

Christoph Pfeiffer

Course responsible and Examinator


The schedule for HT 2025 will be published here no later than four weeks before the start of the course. You find the last year's schedule as a PDF below.
The latest version of the schedule can always be found in Canvas.


Questions regarding examination, residual examination or complementary sessions are answered by the course coordinator or examiner.

New at KI?

The page Student at KI contains information about everything else you need to know as a student at Karolinska Institutet, including contact information for Student-IT etc.

Course evaluation and course analysis

The course evaluation is part of Karolinska Institutet's quality management system and is carried out according to the guidelines established by the Committee for Education at first and second level. The course evaluation and course analysis will then be published here.

Schedule 2024

Course evaluation/analyzis 2024

Course evaluation/analyzis 2023

Content reviewer: