For students attending the course Applied Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare (15 hp) course code 2QA338
This course will elevate your AI proficiency, preparing you to actively engage in the digital evolution of healthcare. It offers a comprehensive perspective on the healthcare shift, steered by medical necessities, and bolstered by innovative artificial intelligence solutions.
Welcome information
About the course
The course is entirely web-based and consists of webinars, lectures (online and pre-recorded), individual assignments, online discussions and demonstrations.
Course start VT24
Registration for the course is mandatary. Students who do not register within the registration period will be withdrawn. You register by logging in to your student account in Ladok. The registration period opens the Monday three weeks before the course starts and ends on Tuesday the week before the course starts. Courses that start as early as January 15 have a slightly shortened registration period. For these courses, registration opens on December 28 and is open until Tuesday the week before the course starts. When the registration period has closed, you as a student need to contact your institution if you want to claim your place. Find more information about web-registration here.
Activate your student account
An active student account is mandatory for studies at KI! If this is the first time you will be studying at KI, you must activate your account according to the instructions. If you are already a student at KI, you will continue to use the same student account as previously.
Schedule VT24
Farhad Abtahi
Assistant professor
Log in to Ladok
In Ladok you can register to your courses, print out study certificates and apply for certificate for completed education.