For students attending the course Dementia disorders, 10 credits course code 9H1027

The second course in the Master's Courses in Dementia Care for Physicians represents a large and important part of the course in which you develop your knowledge and understanding of dementia disorders.


Schedule/course overview

Overview of Master's Courses in Dementia Care for Physicians

About the course

In addition to the purely medical training, it is of vital importance that you develop your understanding of people with dementia in order to better help them to as good a life as possible. An important task for the health care system which you will get to develop in the course is preventive and secondary preventive interventions against dementia.

The module includes 10 credits and runs for fifteen weeks. The module is, in addition to the introduction, divided into three sections:

  • Clinic and pathogenesis
  • Empathy and interaction
  • Epidemiology

Master's Courses in Dementia Care for Physicians

This is the second of eight courses comprising the Master's Courses in Dementia Care for Physicians. None of the courses can be taken separately. The courses are offered as contract eduction, meaning that you can not buy a place on the course for yourself, contract education can only be bought by an employer for their employees.


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Susanna Sjunneryd

Project Coordinator
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